
- Mobiloperatören TRE -

Project: Put my art on routers

Client: Tre AB

Brief: Make routers more decorative so that people are more likely to put them on a more visible spot in their home

Solution: I wanted to do 3 different motives. One with flowers, one with people and one more abstract

 - SWISH -

Fun fact!
The card “Okejrå, här har du!” was one of the most used cards during 2023. People swished it nearly 1 000 000 times!

Project: Cards for the swedish money transfer app Swish

Client: Swish, via Happytear

Brief: Create 5 cards that Swish users can use when they transfer money via Swish.

Solution: I decided that I wanted to create 5 colorful and funny cards. I wanted them to stand out and make people smile. I often use humor in my art and thos was a great opportunity to spread a happy vibe!



Project: Illustrations for Myrorna, a Swedish second hand shop.

Client: Myrorna

Brief: Create a short serial strip to explain the concept of Myrorna


Project: Commissioned by the Vision union I’m creating a humorous comic strip for their magazine six times a year



Project: A picnic mat for Volvo

Client: Volvo Cars Taiwan

Brief: Create an illustration for a picnic mat that will be sold in Taiwan.

Solution: I created an illustration where my characters combine their life with their Volvo with this mat that they can use when they want to get out of the car to enjoy a picnic in the nature. The perfect mat to have in your car.




Project: Christmas card for Youtuber Matgeek, Johan Hedberg

Client: Matgeek

Brief: Create a christmas card that can be sent to clients and partners. Make it stand out and add a BBQ Grill.

Solution: A cut out card in the shape of a grill that you can open. Inside there’s a Christmas greeting spelled out with different food on the grill.


- BURDE, So typical me -


Project: Calendars for So typical me

Client: Burde / So typical me

Brief: Make covers and coloring pages for STM’s calendars.


- TUMI -


Project: Stickers and live illustrations for Tumi

Client: Tumi

Brief: Create three stickers for Tumi on the theme “Travel and Scandinavia”. Also visit their event in Hong Kong to draw on customers products.

Solution: Three stickers that represent Scandinavia and traveling.


- Ett hum om vin -


Project: A book about wine called “Ett hum om vin”

Client: Author Mattias Åkerman (

Brief: To illustrate this book about wine, and also to layout and create the inside and the cover.

Solution: Giving that the book contains about 300 illustrations I needed to simplify the look of them and decided to skip the sketching part and draw all illustrations directly with a black ball-pen.



- Muttley & Jack’s -


Project: Logo, illustrations and packaging design for a coffee roaster.

Client: Muttley & Jack Coffee roasters

Brief: A boxy logo and a very graphic look with fun and quirky illustrations.

Solution: I turned Jack and Muttley into illustrations and created a pattern out of coffee beans that can easily be broken down into different parts of the visuality of the company.



- Kvarnagårdens Brewery -


Project: Beer can design

Client: Kvarnagårdens Brewery

Brief: Ongoing project to update beer can labels with colorful illustrations.

Solution. I decided that every art work must be done with watercolor to give it a genuine feeling and a colorful result.


- Vesterlins -


Project: Christmas calendar for Vesterlins.

Client: Vesterlins

Brief: Create an illustration for a Christmas calendar that will be sold for charity.

Solution: I created an illustration that reflect the company business and that has a lot of things to look at.



- Scandic Downtown Camper -


Project: T-shirt for Downtown Camper.

Client: Scandic Downtown Camper

Brief: Create a t-shirt design that reflects the spirit of the hotel.

Solution: I spent 36h at the hotel. I was drawing a lot! I looked at the guests, ate the food and drank some wine at the hotel bar… I ended up with around 15 different illustrations and DC got to choose one of them for the t-shirt.